Juki & The Giant

Paperfish presents Juki & The Giant, MADCAP Theatre, 2004. Written by Simon Edwards.

A short story in which a young girl called Juki goes on a journey, meets a giant, finds a snail, dances and finally meters out bloody retribution for all that is small in the universe.

Konichi wa !  Oolay ! a vale ah ! 

Keri Edmonds as Juki, Wayne Miller as The Giant

Koy koy ?



Ee koi e dancy ! Mr Giganteei dance ee Juki


Giganteei ee baka yaro, ee kisama, Kono Bakayaro, Kusu o taberu na ! Oreno chinko swe !




Koy koy yakinawa toki'

Toki ki ki arakashawa

Tikki kni kni knifey kifey


Echi noh echi nawaskarisho


All images © Ludamus Theatre Company 2004     
